Rum Havana Club 3 years 0.70 l.

Product code: 39293
22,72 BGN
23,66 BGN
  • Alc.: 40 %
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Christopher Columbus discovered the New World and this introduced a new plant to Cuba: sugar cane, already acclimatized by the Spanish in the Canary Islands. Sugar cane finds its rightful place in Cuba. In the 19th century, the Spanish monarchy needed a more refined rum to satisfy the requirements of the color of the empire. Consequently, a higher quality rum was produced in Cuba that surpassed all others and was named "El Ron Superior". This new drink is becoming an integral part of the Cuban way of life. Thus, the Havana Club was born in 1878, at the same time as the Cuban music whose rhythms are so popular today. "Cuban single cane": the use of this common expression to describe Cuban rum is not accidental. Cuban rum is made from a single raw material - fresh sugarcane molasses, with a strong aroma and sucrose content that gives Havana Club its unique bouquet. The warehouses of Santa Cruz del Norte, where Havana Club's magnificent rums mature, are perfectly located, close to the warm waters of the Gulf Stream - so dear to the writer Ernest Hemingway, connoisseur of rum and authentic Cuban cocktails. Havana Club Añejo 3 Años A well-balanced blend of aged distillate aged for at least 18 months together with the highest quality sugarcane alcohol will yield a young rum that will again be aged in white oak casks for a period of 3 years, hence the name his: Añejo 3 years. Havana Club Añejo 3 Años has a light, straw color. The light, light, syrupy appearance characteristic of aged rum is immediately noticeable. This Cuban rum has a sweet, oaky aroma with hints of caramel and vanilla. Añejo 3 Años has a pleasant, fresh and discreet taste. It feels vanilla with chocolate accents


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